Friday, May 27, 2011

State Qualifiers!

FC Distance had an outstanding Regional meet, with Jason Crist leading the charge as Regional Runner-up in the 1600 and Regional Champion in the 3200, running a stellar 9:10!

Perhaps the most exciting race of the day, though, came as the 4x800 team of Andrice Martin, Trevor Rapp, Aaron Nanavaty, and Andrew Schmalfeldt placed third, qualifying for the state meet in 8:04! On the last lap, Center Grove sensation Austin Mudd was held off by our very own Freshman Phenom Andrew Schmalfeldt (okay, okay...Schmally had about a 9 second lead going into the last leg...but Mudd's run 1:51 so give Schmally some credit!).

Also advancing to state was shot-putter Jared Lantz with a PR throw over 53 feet.

Other Regional qualifiers distance-wise were Austin Presnell (scoring for the Flashes with an 8th place 9:51 effort in the 3200), Andrew Schmalfeldt AGAIN in the open 800 scoring in 8th in 2:01, and "Big Stave" Harrison, who capped off a great career at FC with a 4:41 12th place Regional Finish.

Overall, our team was 4th at Regionals. Full results can be found here. Go Flashes!