In a very exciting race, the FC Boys ended up 2nd at the UK High School Invite, our highest finish in school history. We ran a state-leading 8:10.
On Friday before the race, we ran a freezing cold 2-mile with an incredible terry-cloth shirt as a prize for effort of the day. This went to RJ Atwal, who is developing quickly.
After we returned from the UK meet, Evan Shuck ran a mile on the icy track in 4:58 since he was the alternate. This was of course after eating a full dinner at Mimi's.
Shane Wright 2:00.3
Austin Presnell 2:03.6
Dakota Gray 2:03.5
Kyle O'Malley 2:03.1
Chris Passios 5:44
Daniel Smith 6:08
Zach Musgrave 6:08
Jon Young 8:21
Zach McCauley 10:35
RJ Atwal 10:56
Brett Richardson 10:57
Parker Lewellen 10:55
Andrew Schmalfeldt 11:00
Eddie Hardimon 11:02
Tristan Emminger 11:07
Robbie Lawson 11:51
Brad Loeffler 11:56
Chad Veal 12:07
Robbie Talhelm 12:08
Jeb King 12:16
Colin Hassinger 12:29
Trey Hodge 12:54
Howie King 13:05
Noah Bousum 13:07
Kieron Randall 13:21
1600 Icy Track
Evan Shuck 4:58