Sunday, August 11, 2013

New Site

We have moved to

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Indiana Runner Friday Night Special

Shane Wright 1:58.26 (11th Fastest in School History)

Mile (Converts to 1600)
Evan Shuck 4:46.17 (4:44.51)
Rjvir Atwal 4:57.25 (4:55.53 Season Best)
Robbie Lawson 5:01.27 (4:59.52 PR)
Tristan Emminger 5:05.94 (5:04.17)
Collin Hassinger 5:08.59 (5:06.80)
Parker Lewellen 5:14.00 (5:12.18)
Chad Veal 5:14.70 (5:12.87 PR)
Matt Gehrich 5:23.56 (5:21.68)
Chris Passios 5:27.36 (5:25.46)
TJ Haskett 5:31.20 (5:29.28)
Kieron Randall 5:47.99 (5:45.97)
Brad Loeffler 5:58.18 (5:56.10)
Noah Bousum 6:04.77 (6:02.65)

2000M Steeplechase
Zach McCauley 6:49.40 (New School Record!)

Friday, June 7, 2013

2013 Track Leaderboard

Here is the 2013 Track Leaderboard for Archiving Purposes:

7:59.17 Wright-Gray-Smith-Schmalfeldt (STATE)
8:05.69 Gray-Wright-Smith-Schmalfeldt (REG)
8:08.24 O'Malley-Presnell-Schmalfeldt-Wright (WAR)
8:08.66 Gray-Shuck-R. Smith-Schmalfeldt (MARI)
8:10.41 Gray-Presnell-R. Smith-Schmalfeldt (SECT)
8:10.87 Wright-Presnell-Gray-O'Malley (UKHS)
8:16.14 Wright-Presnell-Gray-O'Malley (IU)
8:16.6 McCauley-Gray-Lewellen-Wright (CN)
8:19.30 Wright-Presnell-Gray-O'Malley (HSR)
8:27.84 O'Malley-Shuck-McCauley-Hearrell (SHOW)

10:58.65 O'Malley-Howard-Talhelm-Presnell (IU)
11:08.37 Shuck-R. Smith-McCauley-Hearrell (WAR)
11:12.06 Presnell-Gray-Wright-Shuck (HSR)
11:40.76 O'Malley-Reed-Talhelm-McCauley (IRDS)
12:10.93 Richardson-Chohan-Veal-Hassinger (IRDS)

Presnell 9:32.94 (CONF)
McCauley 10:00.99 (SEC)
Shuck 10:09.38 (IU)
Hearrell 10:30.58 (CONF)
Richardson  10:36.5 (IRDS)
Lewellen 10:44.9 (NP)
Atwal 10:49.3 (CG)
Hardimon 10:50.3 (CG)
Schmalfeldt 11:00 (FEBTT)
O'Malley 11:02.8 (PER)
Emminger 11:07 (FEBTT)
Haskett 11:08.38 (IRDS)
Veal 11:19.61 (FROSH)
Hassinger 11:21.7 (NP)
Lawson 11:30.1 (PIK)
Gehrich 11:32.2 (CG)
Loeffler 11:56 (FEBTT)
Talhelm 12:08 (FEBTT)
N. Smith 12:09.1 (CN)
Musgrave 12:11.1 (NP)
Bousum 12:11.3 (NP)
J. King 12:16 (FEBTT)
D. Smith 12:42.1 (NP)
H. King 12:54.04 (IRDS)
Hodge 12:54 (FEBTT)
Randall 13:17.0 (PIK)

1600 (13 under 5:00)
Presnell 4:32.83 (MARI)
Shuck 4:33.16 (SEC)
O'Malley 4:33.56 (SEC)
Wright 4:41.45 (MARI)
McCauley 4:42.68 (CONF)
Hearrell 4:47.4 (WAR)
Hardimon 4:47.7 (REGTT)
Emminger 4:53.4 (REGTT)
Atwal 4:55.53 (FRID)
Lewellen 4:55.9 (REGTT)
Reed 4:58.6 (RON)
Lawson 4:59.52 (FRID)
Gehrich 4:59.9 (CN)
Hertenstein 5:02.3 (NP)
Hassinger 5:03.1 (RON)
J. King 5:03.7 (SHOW)
Moore 5:04.5 (SHOW)
Richardson 5:05.6 (SHOW)
Simpson 5:07.2 (PIK)
Passios 5:16.5 (REGTT)
Veal 5:12.87 (FRID)
Loeffler 5:21.0 (MARTT)
N. Smith 5:26.2 (NP)
H. King 5:24.6 (NP)
Haskett 5:29.28 (FRID)
Bousum 5:33.6 (CN)
Musgrave 5:35.1 (RON)
Hodge 5:36.3 (MARTT)
Randall 5:38.3 (REGTT)
D. Smith 5:41.3 (WARIN)
Purcell 5:47.6 (CG)
Esplin 5:51.0 (PIK)
Spoor 6:13.7 (LIGHT)
Day 6:28.5 (WARIN)
Young 7:17.3 (RON)

Shuck 3:20.1 (WAR)
Presnell 3:23.2 (IRDS)
O'Malley 3:23.5 (IU)
Wright 3:25.0 (LIGHT)
McCauley 3:28.8 (HSR)
Emminger 3:29.7 (SEC)
Hardimon 3:30.8 (SEC)
Atwal 3:34.7 (SEC)
Lewellen 3:35.4 (SEC)
Gehrich 3:36.6 (SEC)
Hassinger 3:41.1 (SEC)
Lawson 3:47.1 (SEC)
Richardson 3:50.1 (SEC)
Hearrell 3:51.44 (IRDS)
N. Smith 3:52.6 (SEC)
Veal 3:52.9 (SEC)
Passios 3:57.8 (SEC)
Randall 4:05.1 (SEC)
Loeffler 4:05.9 (SEC)
Bousum 4:26.4 (SEC)

Wright 1:56.1 (STATE)
Gray 1:58.8 (MARI)
Schmalfeldt 2:00.5 (STATE)
Shuck 2:02.1 (MARI)
R. Smith 2:02.3 (MARI)
O'Malley 2:02.4 (WAR)
Presnell 2:02.8 (CONF)
Talhelm 2:03.3 (IU)
McCauley 2:03.9 (CN)
D. Howard 2:08.49 (MARI)
Rapp 2:08.50 (MARI)
Emminger 2:09.0 (PIK)
Lewellen 2:09.8 (CN)
Hearrell 2:11.0 (SHOW)
Kellum 2:11.8 (PER)
Atwal 2:12.9 (NP)
Esplin 2:13.2 (NP)
Simpson 2:14.2 (CN)
Hardimon 2:14.2 (PIK)
Hassinger 2:15.4 (FROSH)
Reed 2:16.19 (IRDS)
Hertenstein 2:16.1 (RON)
Hodge 2:16.3 (NP)
J. King 2:17.9 (CG)
Gehrich 2:18.4 (PIK)
Richardson 2:18.6 (CG)
Moore 2:19.5 (WARIN)
Lawson 2:19.9 (FROSH)
Chohan 2:20.9 (FROSH)
Passios 2:22.4 (PER)
Randall 2:24.4 (CG)
Purcell 2:24.7 (NP)
D. Smith 2:25.36 (FROSH)
Hodge 2:26.1 (PER)
Loeffler 2:27.8 (PIK)
H. King 2:30.1 (CG)
N. Smith 2:31.9 (PER)
Musgrave 2:38.70 (FROSH)
Young 3:21.0 (NP)

Regionals and State

FC Distance had a strong performance at a cold and windy Regional track meet to qualify Austin Presnell in the 3200M Run and multiple athletes in our 4x800M Relay. Here are the results:


Kyle O'Malley 4:39.55 (6th)
Evan Shuck 4:48.25 (10th)

Austin Presnell 9:42.45 (Regional Runner-up)
Zach McCauley 10:15.00

Shane Wright 2:04.01 (7th)

4x800M Relay


3200M Run
Austin Presnell 9:55.86

4x800M Relay (10th 7:59.17)
Wright (1:56.1)-Gray (1:59.5)-Smith (2:02.7)-Schmalfeldt (2:00.5)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Regional 1600M Time Trial

Eddie Hardimon 4:47.7
Tristan Emminger 4:53.4
Parker Lewellen 4:55.9
Matt Gehrich 5:00.9
Robbie Lawson 5:02.9
RJ Atwal 5:09.8
Chris Passios 5:16.5
Colin Hassinger 5:17.4
Chad Veal 5:19.5
Brett Richardson 5:24.6
Noah Smith 5:26.3
Kieron Randall 5:38.3
Daniel Smith 5:47.4
Brad Loeffler 5:18.8
Demetrius Purcell 5:52.9
Noah Bousum 5:53.8
TJ Haskett 6:03.2

Sunday, May 19, 2013


The Flashes were Sectional Runners-up to a strong Warren Central Warrior team. Distance-wise we scored 53 points and advanced everyone to the Regional Meet in Connersville. Great job guys!

4x800 (Sectional Champions 8:10.41)
Gray 2:00.6
Presnell 2:05.1
R. Smith 2:03.3
Schmalfeldt 2:00.7

Shuck 4:33.16 (Sectional Champion)
O'Malley 4:33.56 (Sectional Runner-Up)

Wright 2:00.95 (Sectional Champion)
R. Smith 2:08.89 (Scored in the Sectional)

McCauley 10:00.99 (Sectional Runner-Up)
Presnell 10:01.10 (Advances)

1200M Time Trial (Wednesday)
Emminger 3:29.7
Hardimon 3:30.8
Atwal 3:34.7
Lewellen 3:35.4
Gehrich 3:36.6
Hassinger 3:41.1
Lawson 3:47.1
Richardson 3:50.1
N. Smith 3:52.6
Veal 3:52.9
Passios 3:57.8
Randall 4:05.1
Loeffler 4:05.9
Bousum 4:26.4

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Marion County

Well, the Marion County Meet was a typical Marion County Meet for the Flashes Distance squad...we struggled after a tough few days of training, but ended up with a few pretty good performances once the night was finished.

Gray 1:58.8
Shuck 2:02.1
R. Smith 2:02.3
Schmalfeldt 2:04.3

Presnell 4:32.83
Wright 4:41.45

Howard 2:08.49
Rapp 2:08.50

McCauley 10:14.16
Shuck 10:24.3 (Timing System Error...No FAT Time)

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Freshman County

My freshman team represented FC with pride as usual on Saturday. The XC Freshman County Champs have always been all about team and, though we had no individual winners distance-wise, we set some PRs and had a good time in the process. Next up is the Varsity County and Fast Flash 5k!

Hassinger 2:15.4
Richardson 2:20.1
Chohan 2:20.9
Lawson 2:19.9

Lawson 5:11.9
Hassinger 5:14.2

D. Smith 2:25.36
Musgrave 2:38.70

Richardson 11:01.69
Veal 11:19.61

Friday, May 3, 2013

Roncalli JV and Warren Relays

The Flashes JV squad traveled to Roncalli Tuesday night and the varsity squad traveled to Warren on Thursday for their relay meet. Both meets turned in some great performances.


2:16.1 Hertenstein
2:21.1 Esplin
2:25.0 Hodge
2:25.4 Randall

4:58.6 Reed
5:00.5 Gehrich
5:00.8 Lawson
5:03.1 Hassinger
5:05.6 Moore
5:07.6 Richardson
5:17.9 Simpson
5:20.9 Veal
5:26.4 Passios
5:30.9 Smith
5:35.1 Musgrave
5:44.4 H. King
5:54.9 Bousum
7:17.3 Young

R. Smith 2:07.1
Rapp 2:09.9
Hertenstein 2:16.6
Esplin 2:20.8
Hodge 2:24.0
Randall 2:28.2

11:53.3 Haskett
12:27.6 Smith
12:36.6 Loeffler


Hardimon 4:50.2
Lewellen 5:00.6
Atwal 5:03.4
Emminger 5:13.4

4x800 (8:08.24)
2:02.4 O'Malley
2:03.4 Presnell
2:03.7 Schmalfeldt
1:58.4 Wright

DMR (11:08.37)
Shuck 3:20.1
R. Smith 51.7
McCauley 2:08.7
Hearrell 4:47.4

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Conference Indiana

It is always a good thing when we get to update the top-ten list after a meet!

The Flashes traveled to Bloomington North Friday night for Conference Indiana. It was a great meet for us, with the 4x800 winning a close battle for second, then Evan Shuck and Zack McCauley competing hard in the 1600 (Shuck running a personal best). Shane Wright then raced a complete 800M race which went "tactical" and ended up 4th. Shane led most of this race.

The performance of the night, though, came in the 2-mile. The first mile was a fast 4:41, with senior Branden Hearrell coming through in 4:50 (his season best in the mile). The race got more exciting down the stretch as Austin Presnell hung on in second and third place for much of the race. When a Bloomington South athlete tore away from the pack, it was Presnell leading the chase pack and some guys ended up outkicking him. However, Austin still ran the 7th fastest time in school history. This is what happens when four years of hard work pays off. Congratulations, Austin!

4x800 8:14.61
O'Malley (2:03.2)
Presnell (2:02.8)
Schmalfeldt (2:04.9)
Wright (2:03.4)

Shuck 4:34.76 (9th)
McCauley 4:42.68 (10th)

Wright 2:04.26 (4th)

Presnell 9:32.94 (7th)
Hearrell 10:30.58 (12th)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Lightning Bolt Relays and New Pal/Roncalli

FC got back-to-back wins at the First Annual Lightning Bolt Relays in Friday, then followed it up with a solid win on Monday versus New Palestine and Roncalli. The performance of the meet Friday came from Shane Wright, who ran an outstanding 3:25.0 on the DMR.

Lightning Bolt Relays Open 1600
Emminger 5:02.2 (Winner: FC Backpack)
Gehrich 5:17.1
Hassinger 5:26.3
Lawson 5:30.9
Loeffler 5:31.7
Veal 5:32.4 (Winner: Kangaroo Shirt)
H. King 5:41.2
N. Smith 5:44.5
Randall 5:50.9
Bousum 6:06.3
Spoor 6:13.7
Young 7:34.8

New Pal/Roncalli
Schmalfeldt 2:07.2
Presnell 2:10.3
Atwal 2:13.0
McCauley 2:10.7

Shuck 4:35.6
O'Malley  4:36.9
Hardimon 4:51.1
Hertenstein 5:02.3
Gehrich 5:07.5
Moore 5:14.8
Lawson 5:15.0
Veal 5:23.5
H. King 5:24.6
N. Smith 5:26.2
Haskett 5:29.8
Loeffler 5:37.3
Randall 5:42.5

Presnell 2:03.8
McCauley 2:05.1
Emminger 2:09.8
Atwal 2:12.9
Esplin 2:13.2
Simpson 2:15.8
Hodge 2:16.3
Reed 2:20.7
Purcell 2:24.7
Young 3:21.0

Hearrell 10:40.9
Lewellen 10:44.9
Richardson 10:56.3
Hassinger 11:21.7
Musgrave 12:11.1
Bousum 12:11.3
D. Smith 12:42.1

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Center Grove JV Dual

Lawson 2:19.9
Moore 2:26.3
Richardson 2:18.6
King 2:17.9

Reed 5:03.3
Simpson 5:15.2
N. Smith 5:31.0
Passios 5:36.4
D. Smith 5:44.3
Purcell 5:47.6
Young 7:55.4

Esplin 2:16.9
Richardson 2:20.1
Moore 2:23.5
Randall 2:24.4
Lawson 2:28.4
H. King 2:30.1
J. King 2:35.6

Atwal 10:49.3
Hardimon 10:50.3
Lewellen 10:53.9
Emminger 11:08.7
Gehrich 11:32.2
Haskett 11:36.0
Veal 11:40.8
Hassinger 11:54.8
Musgrave 12:13.8
Bousum 12:17.2
Loeffler 12:40.1

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Showcase Results

Thanks to all the coaches, spectators, and athletes for participating in last night's Flashes Showcase and Miracle Mile. Congratulations to our winners, Matt Dorsey from Lawrence Central and Bethany Neeley from Eastern HS (Greentown), who is now a two-time champion in the event.

Full results can be found here. To convert from Full Mile to 1600, convert the time to seconds, multiply by .9942, and then re-convert to minutes. This is's standard leaderboard conversion.

FC Boys Results:

I am especially proud of my freshmen, who really proved they deserved to be considered among the best freshmen in the state. They won Freshman County in XC and have gotten stronger and faster all year. I am so proud of these guys! They are the future of FC Distance.

Freshman Mile:
Jeb King 5:05.5 (5:03.7 converted)
Luke Moore 5:06.3 (5:04.5 converted)
Brett Richardson 5:07.4 (5:05.6 converted)
Colin Hassinger 5:14.1 (5:12.3 converted)

4x800 (8:27.84):
O'Malley 2:03.9
Shuck 2:04.2
McCauley 2:08.7
Hearrell 2:11.0

Miracle Mile:
Austin Presnell 4:36.00 (4:34.4 converted)
Shane Wright 4:43.29 (4:41.7 converted)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Flashes Showcase Information

Coaches, please click the link above for meet information. Entries are now closed.



COMCAST/XFinity On-Demand/Streaming Instructions Here 

The event will also be streamed live on! 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Pike JV @ FC


Hardimon 2:14.2
Lewellen 2:13.1
Atwal 2:16.7
Gehrich 2:18.4

Musgrave 2:41.0
D. Smith 2:41.0
Purcell 2:31.0
Loeffler 2:27.8

Simpson 5:07.2
Hertenstein 5:19.3
H. King 5:34.2
Esplin 5:51.0
Young 7:35.4

Emminger 2:09.0
Gehrich 2:20.7
Purcell 2:30.1
Loeffler 2:33.7
D. Smith 2:36.1
Musgrave 2:37.2

Atwal 11:00.2
Hardimon 11:11.4
Lewellen 11:20.1
Lawson 11:30.1
Veal 11:48.9
Haskett 11:54.1
N. Smith 12:33.0
Bousum 12:33.2
Randall 13:17.0

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Perry Meridian Dual Meet


McCauley 2:12.4
Kellum 2:11.8
Gray 2:16.6
Wright 2:29.6

Hassinger 2:19.0
King 2:22.8
Richardson 2:31.8
Moore 2:25.1

Hearrell 4:53.6
Emminger 4:57.6
Hardimon 5:00.2
Atwal 5:02.9
Lewellen 5:12.9
Lawson 5:15.1
Gehrich 5:25.2
Veal 5:27.9
Haskett 5:41.2
D. Smith 5:47.9
Bousum 5:49.7
Randall 5:50.8
Musgrave 5:55.0

Wright 2:03.1
McCauley 2:10.4
Hertenstein 2:20.2
Simpson 2:20.0
Moore 2:21.0
Passios 2:22.4
Hassinger 2:24.9
Esplin 2:25.8
Hodge 2:26.1
Richardson 2:29.6
N. Smith 2:31.9
Purcell 2:32.6
J. King 2:34.9
H. King 2:38.7
Young 3:30.3

Shuck 10:40.2 (4:58 2nd Mile)
Presnell 10:49.5 (5:07 2nd Mile)
O'Malley 11:02.8 (5:20 2nd Mile)
Loeffler 12:15.9

Saturday, March 30, 2013

FC CN Dual 3/28

4x800 (1st)
McCauley 2:03.9
Gray 2:01.4
Lewellen 2:09.8
Wright 2:01.6

O'Malley 4:37.6
Emminger 4:59.6
Gehrich 4:59.9
Hassinger 5:05.9
J. King 5:11.3
Lewellen 5:24.3
Veal 5:29.5
Bousum 5:33.6
H. King 5:45.9

Wright 2:06.3
Simpson 2:14.2
Hodge 2:23.4
Esplin 2:26.1
Randall 2:28.9

McCauley 10:22.9
Richardson 10:43.5
Haskett 11:59.0
Smith 12:09.1

Monday, March 18, 2013

HSR Finals/Mock Meet

The Flashes traveled to an early morning meet in Marion, Indiana to compete at Hoosier State Relays Finals. All-in-all, it was a ho-hum day for the team, but we did have some outstanding performances.

4x800M 8:19.30 (10th)
Wright (2:05.5)-Presnell (2:06.4)-Gray (2:03.7)-O'Malley (2:06.0)

Distance Medley Relay DNF (lap short led off track by official)
McCauley (3:28.8)-Howard (55.1)-Shuck (2:05.0)-Hearrell (4:49.5 for 1400)

On Thursday we participated in a Mock Meet/Time Trial. We turned in some impressive performances, with RJ Atwal leading the charge in the 1600M and Parker Lewellen flying to lead his team to a victory in the 4x400.

Atwal 4:59.6
Emminger 4:59.9
Lewellen 5:08.7
Richardson 5:09.9
Hardimon 5:11.2
Hertenstein 5:11.8
Lawson 5:12.2
Simpson 5:12.6
Hassinger 5:13.6
Moore 5:14.7
Gehrich 5:15.3
Loeffler 5:21.0
J. King 5:23.4
Veal 5:31.9
Reed 5:33.0
Hodge 5:36.3
N. Smith 5:40.2
Passios 5:42.8
Randall 5:46.1
Bousum 5:49.9
Haskett 5;55.7
Musgrave 5:58.6
D. Smith 6:00.3
Esplin 6:08.6
Purcell 6:34.7
Young 7:36.3


Team 1 – Atwal (65.1), Loeffler (67.6), Richardson (62.7), Hassinger (62.8)
Team 2 – Emminger (63.7), Gehrich (65.3), Hardimon (63.4), Simpson (61.7)
Team 3 – Lewellen (58.1), Moore (62.8), Hertenstein (62.1), Lawson (68.4)
Team 4 – King, J (68.3), Esplin (60.6), Hodge (63.2), Haskett (78.4)
Team 5 – Veal (70.2), Smith, D (74.4), Smith, N (66.7), Bousum (72.6)
Team 6 – Reed (61.7), Musgrave (75.4), Passios (64.7), Randall (65.7)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

HSR Qualifying Meets: IU and Wabash

Our varsity teams traveled South to IU for an "indoor conference" and HSR qualifying meet. Then a few guys traveled north to Wabash for a second chance at hitting the qualifying standard. We had some great performances in both meets, most notably Austin Presnell ran 9:45 to move to 11th all-time in the 3200M run and Robbie Talhlem ran an outstanding 2:03.

Here are the official results and splits:

800M Run
RJ Atwal 2:14.57
Eddie Hardimon 2:15.51

1600M Run
Parker Lewellen 5:05.30
Brett Richardson 5:06.13

3200M Run
Austin Presnell 9:45.88 (Wabash)
Evan Shuck 10:09.38 (IU)
Zach McCauley 10:32.45 (IU)
Evan Shuck 10:37.80 (Wabash)

4x800 (Indoor Conference Champs) 8:16.14
Shane Wright 2:05.5
Austin Presnell 2:03.2
Dakota Gray 2:00.9
Kyle O'Malley 2:05.8

DMR (Indoor Conference Champs) 10:58.65
Kyle O'Malley 3:23.5
Desten Howard 55.9
Robbie Talhelm 2:03.3
Austin Presnell 4:36.7

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Warren Indoor

The Flashes got the season started for many athletes, competing at Tuesday's Warren Central Indoor Meet. Top performances from FC Distance were turned in by TJ Haskett (winning the 3200), Branden Hearrell (winning the 1600), and Robbie Lawson who fell down but still managed to break 2:40 on the 4x800 Relay.

Good job guys!

Moore 2:19.5
Emminger 2:23.8
Esplin 2:25.2
Lawson 2:27.3
Purcell 2:30.3
Hassinger 2:31.6
J. King 2:29.4

Hearrell 5:03.9
Passios 5:41.1
D. Smith 5:41.3
Randall 5:48.4
H. King 5:53.7
Musgrave 5:54.4
Bousum 5:55.6
Day 6:28.5
Young 7:42.6

Haskett 11:57.2
Veal 12:09.5
Gehrich 12:13.6
N. Smith 12:14.1
Loeffler 12:55.2

4x800M Splits
Hearrell 2:18.9
J. King 2:29.7
Emminger 2:31.3
Hassinger 2:35.6
Lawson 2:37.6
Randall 2:38.5
Esplin 2:40.3
Musgrave 2:49.3

Monday, February 18, 2013

UK HS Invite and Time Trial

Photo: 8:10 UK Invite Runners-Up! Now we are out to eat!
In a very exciting race, the FC Boys ended up 2nd at the UK High School Invite, our highest finish in school history. We ran a state-leading 8:10.

On Friday before the race, we ran a freezing cold 2-mile with an incredible terry-cloth shirt as a prize for effort of the day. This went to RJ Atwal, who is developing quickly.

After we returned from the UK meet, Evan Shuck ran a mile on the icy track in 4:58 since he was the alternate. This was of course after eating a full dinner at Mimi's.

Shane Wright 2:00.3
Austin Presnell 2:03.6
Dakota Gray 2:03.5
Kyle O'Malley 2:03.1

Chris Passios 5:44
Daniel Smith 6:08
Zach Musgrave 6:08
Jon Young 8:21

Zach McCauley 10:35
RJ Atwal 10:56
Brett Richardson 10:57
Parker Lewellen 10:55
Andrew Schmalfeldt 11:00
Eddie Hardimon 11:02
Tristan Emminger 11:07
Robbie Lawson 11:51
Brad Loeffler 11:56
Chad Veal 12:07
Robbie Talhelm 12:08
Jeb King 12:16
Colin Hassinger 12:29
Trey Hodge 12:54
Howie King 13:05
Noah Bousum 13:07
Kieron Randall 13:21

1600 Icy Track
Evan Shuck 4:58
Photo: 4:58

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Indiana Runner Distance Showcase

The 2013 Track Season started on the right foot with some solid performances and a few HUGE breakouts, especially from our freshman squad! Excellent job, guys!

It feels good to get the 2013 leaderboard started (see the link on the sidebar). Go Flashes!

Full results here.

Open 1200
Zach McCauley 3:35.86
Eddie Hardimon 3:38.26
Branden Hearrell 3:51.44

Open 3200
Brett Richardson  10:36.5
TJ Haskett 11:08.38
Collin Hassinger 11:29.15
Chad Veal 12:00.47
Noah Smith 12:18.68
Howie King 12:54.04

Open 800
Shane Wright 2:08.86
Robbie Talhelm 2:09.28
Andrew Schmalfeldt 2:10.1
Carter Kellum 2:13.89
RJ Atwal 2:14.08
Ryon Reed 2:16.19
Trey Hodge 2:36.41
Daniel Smith 2:39.11

Full Mile (Gets a Leaderboard Conversion to 1600)
Tristan Emminger 5:01.12
Matt Gehrich 5:13.17
Robbie Lawson 5:19.88
Branden Hearrell 5:22.39
Brad Loeffler 5:33.20
Parker Lewellen 5:48.01
Noah Bousum 5:50.90
Kieron Randall 5:56.02

Distance Medley
Team A 11:12.06
Presnell 3:23.2
Gray 53.6
Wright 2:04.5
Shuck 4:51.8

Team B 11:40.76
O'Malley 3:25.1
Reed 56.5
Talhelm 2:16.7
McCauley 5:02.4

Team C 12:10.93 (1 lap short on 1600 leg)
Veal 4:09.9
Aurinder 59.7
Hassinger 2:22.3
Richardson 4:39.0 (for 1400M)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

2012 XC Leaderboard

For archiving purposes, here is the 2012 XC Leaderboard:

16:07 Wright (SS)
16:34 Shuck (CI)
16:40 McCauley (CI)
16:41 Presnell (CI)
16:42 Hearrell (CI)
16:52 Martin (HAR)
16:53 Schmalfeldt (CI)
17:17 Atwal (CI)
17:18 O'Malley (CI)
17:32 Hardimon (MC)
17:34 Lewellen (CI)
17:36 Hertenstein (FR)
17:42 Talhelm (MC)
17:52 Geisler (MC)
17:53 Reed (CI)
18:04 Dewitte (BD)
18:13 Gehrich (LAB)
18:15 Emminger (CI)
18:24 Moore (FR)
18:25 Haskett (CI)
18:31 Spoor (CI)
18:49 Loeffler (MC)
18:49 Passios (CI)
19:04 Lawson (FR)
19:09 Hassinger (BD)
19:09 Veal (FR)
19:16 Hassinger (LAB)
19:23 Alora (MC)
19:32 Smith (MC)
19:41 Bousom (CI)
19:54 J. King (BD)
20:18 Randall (MC)
20:30 Leal (BD)
20:41 Asher (CI)
20:56 Richardson (BD)
21:00 H. King (MC)
21:04 Musgrave (FR)
21:08 Mark (BD)
21:15 Hacker (CI)
22:44 Seybert (CI)
24:15 Pares (FR)
24:22 Young (CI)
30:49 Geddes (MC)

13:39 McCauley (CC)
13:41 Wright (CC)
13:47 Atwal (CC)
14:04 Lewellen (CC)
14:05 Moore (WAR)
14:13 Leal (WAR)
14:21 Hassinger (WAR)
14:25 Richardson (WAR)
14:26 Lawson (WAR)
14:30 Geisler (CC)
14:31 King (WAR)
14:34 Veal (WAR)
14:34 O'Malley (CC)
14:39 Hertenstein (CC)
14:43 Talhelm (CC)
14:54 Passios (CC)
14:58 Gehrich (CC)
15:01 Emminger (CC)
15:12 Haskett (CC)
15:37 Alora (CC)
16:09 Musgrave (WAR)
16:11 Mark (MC)
16:26 Loeffler (CC)
16:27 Bousum (CC)
16:28 Smith (CC)
16:35 Asher (CC)
17:34 Randall (CC)
18:26 Hacker (CC)
18:32 Pares (WAR)
20:53 Young (CC)
21:48 Seybert (CC)
28:28 Geddes (CC)

Schmalfeldt 10:45 (HK)
O'Malley 10:47 (HK)
Hertenstein 10:49 (HK)
Gehrich 10:54 (HK)
Geisler 11:00 (HK)
Reed 11:05 (HK)
Talhelm 11:10 (HK)
Emminger 11:11 (HK)
Moore 11:34 (HK)
Leal 11:42 (HK)
Veal 11:49 (HK)
Passios 11:51 (HK)
Loeffler 11:55 (HK)
Lawson 11:56 (HK)
King 12:02 (HK)
Haskett 12:05 (HK)
Smith 12:10 (HK)
Alora 12:15 (HK)
Musgrave 12:25 (HK)
Bousum 12:27 (HK)
Richardson 12:27 (HK)
Mark 12:43 (HK)
Randall 12:48 (HK)
Hacker 12:58 (HK)
Asher 13:13 (HK)
Young 14:56 (HK)
Seybert 15:53 (HK)
Geddes 20:03 (HK)

10:03 Schmalfeldt (CC)
10:07 Hearrell (CC)
10:54 Martin (CC)
10:55 Reed (CC)

2012 Track Leaderboard

 For archiving purposes, here is the 2012 Track Leaderboard.
10 Presnell 9:51.07 CI
10 Shuck 10:05.43 CI
12 Crist 10:05.4 GRE
12 Shaw 10:14.7 PER
10 McCauley 10:16.65 WL
11 Hearrell 10:40.05 WL
09 O'Malley 10:45.5 CN
09 Atwal 10:48.3 FC
10 Lewellen 10:56.9 PER
10 Hardimon 10:58.5 FIN
11 Dewitte 11:03 TRI
10 Emminger 11:27.9 CG
10 Passios 11:29.1 PIK
09 Spoor 11:30.0 PIK
10 Loeffler 11:32 TRI
09 Haskett 11:48.6 RON
10 Gehrich 12:05.6 CG
09 Smith 12:05.8 WARIN
09 Talhelm 12:16 TRI
11 Randall 12:18.6 PIK
09 Bousom 12:35.6 GRE
10 Robson 14:36 TRI
09 Young 16:20 TRI

1600 (18 Under 5:00)
12 Crist 4:09.12 STA
12 Shaw 4:27.59 MC
11 Presnell 4:31.66 SHO
10 Shuck 4:36.55 MC
10 McCauley 4:44.42 CI
12 Dhadwal 4:44.95 AEB
11 Wright 4:47.5 CN
12 Nanavaty 4:47.7 RON
10 Lewellen 4:48.0 CTT
10 Hardimon 4:49.2 CTT
12 Marrero 4:49.3 RON
09 O'Malley 4:52.58 SHO
09 Talhelm 4:52.44 MDF
11 Hearrell 4:53.5 WR
09 Atwal 4:55.1 CTT
11 Pastor 4:56.3 CTT
12 Jones 4:57.0 CTT
11 Reed 4:58.2 GRE
10 Emminger 5:00.3 FIR
10 Passios 5:02.5 CTT
10 Loeffler 5:03.5 FIN
09 Spoor 5:03.5 CTT
10 Schmalfeldt 5:09.2 TRI
11 Dewitte 5:09.8 GRE
10 Gehrich 5:13.3 CTT
09 Alora 5:16.9 CTT
09 Smith 5:23.3 GRE
11 Randall 5:25.0 FIN
11 Martin 5:26.9 FIN
10 Wise 5:27.83 IRDS
09 Haskett 5:30.4 GRE
09 Bousom 5:42.4 CTT
10 Robson 6:04.2 CG
09 Young 6:46.7 CTT

11 Presnell 3:19.9 IU
12 Dhadwal 3:25.6 IRDS
10 McCauley 3:29.6 WR
12 Jones 3:39.2 AEB
09 O'Malley 3:40.6 AEB
12 Butcher 3:44.5 AEB
11 Pastor 4:03.2 WARIN
10 Emminger 4:05.6 WARIN
10 Gehrich 5:02.7 WARIN

12 Crist 1:54.6 CN
11 Wright 1:57.8 REG
11 Gray 1:59.3 REG
12 Nanavaty 2:00.1 REG
12 Shaw 2:02.1 SHO
10 Schmalfeldt 2:02.7 CN
11 Presnell 2:03.4 IU
11 Rapp 2:03.6 REG
11 Howard 2:04.5 GRE
12 Marrero 2:04.5 SHO
10 Shuck 2:04.8 RON
10 McCauley 2:05.4 RON
09 O'Malley 2:07.6 FC
12 Dhadwal 2:07.63 UK
11 Reed 2:08.7 CG
09 Talhelm 2:09.0 FC
12 Nolting 2:11.2 GRE
12 Jones 2:12.35 IU
11 Hearrell 2:13.7 PIK
09 Atwal 2:14.64 IRDS
11 Pastor 2:15.6 CG
10 Lewellen 2:17.0 HSE
12 Butcher 2:21.50 AEB
10 Hardimon 2:21.4 CG
10 Gehrich 2:23.1 FIR
10 Passios 2:23.31 AEB
09 Alora 2:23.6 PIK
10 Emminger 2:23.8 HSE
11 Dewitte 2:24.4 PIK
10 Loeffler 2:24.8 HSE
09 Spoor 2:25.3 PIK
12 Elbert 2:26.0 TRI
10 Wise 2:31.2 AEB
11 Randall 2:38.2 AEB
09 Haskett 2:38.2 PIK
09 Bousom 2:38.5 PIK
10 Robson 2:39.5 GRE
09 Smith 2:40.24 AEB
09 Young 3:03.0 CG

12 Crist 49.6 SEC
12 Taylor 49.9 SEC
11 Howard 50.7 SEC
11 Gray 51.0 REG
12 Nolting 51.65 REG
11 Wright 52.4 CN
12 Nanavaty 53.5 HSR
12 Shaw 54.2 CN
11 Reed 55.5 CN
09 O'Malley 55.8 FC
10 Shuck 56.9 PER
10 McCauley 57.3 RON
11 Hearrell 58.6 CN
09 Atwal 59.9 RON
09 Talhelm 60.0 PER
11 Dewitte 60.6 PIK
10 Hardimon 61.3 PIK
11 Pastor 61.6 PIK
10 Lewellen 62.3 PIK
11 Randall 63.5 PER
10 Emminger 65.1 PIK
10 Gehrich 65.6 PIK
09 Bousom 70.0 PIK
10 Robson 70.0 PIK
10 Loeffler 76.5 PIK
09 Young 86.9 PIK

4x800 Relay (Best)
(Gray-Rapp-Nana-Wright) REG

Distance Medley (Best)
(Pres-Nana-Marr-Crist) HSR

4x1600 (Best)18:35.27
(Shaw-Pres-Crist-Shuck) WL