Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Great Time to be a Flash!

Jason Crist broke the 9:00 barrier last week at the Arcadia Invitational in California. Jason now holds the school record in the event and is the 11th fastest runner in Indiana 3200M history!

A full video of the race can be found by clicking here.

In additon, we have had many great performances including an 8:14 performance for our 4x800 team at the Flashes Showcase meet in which Andrice Martin split 1:58 then came back to run a 50.8 on the 4x400. Unofficially, I think this is the fastest 4x400 split in the history of distance runners at FCHS!

At that same meet (last Friday) we had FIVE freshman run 5:00 or better in the 1600! Here are the fab 5 at the start of the race (Schmalfeldt, Shuck, Geisler, McCauley, and Hardimon):

In addition to the guys that had the opportunity to run in the "big meets" listed above, we have had a number of incredible performances throughout our recent outdoor season. Here is the current FC "Leaderboard" for Distance events this season:

800 Open or Split:
Martin 1:58 (Miracle Mile)
Crist 1:58 (Bloomington South)
Harrison 2:04 (Miracle Mile)
Nanavaty 2:04 (Miracle Mile)
Presnell 2:04 (Miracle Mile)
Schmalfeldt 2:06 (Perry)
Wright 2:07 (CG)
Geisler 2:07 (CG)
Webb 2:07 (Perry)
Reed 2:10 (Kentucky)
Dhadwal 2:10 (CN)
Shaw 2:11 (Perry)
Marrero 2:11 (Pike)
Shuck 2:12 (Perry)
Simpson 2:12 (CN)
Hearrell 2:14 (Bloomington)
Jones 2:14 (CN)
McCauley 2:16 (CG)
Butcher 2:16 (Pike)
Hardimon 2:18 (CG)
Minnis 2:18 (Perry)
Garner 2:19 (Pike)
Oskins 2:21 (Mock)
Bishop 2:22 (CN)
Randall 2:26 (Perry)
Loeffler 2:27 (DC)
DeWitte 2:28 (Perry)
Lawrence 2:29 (Mock)
Settle 2:29 (CN)
LeWellen 2:35 (Mock)
Emminger 2:39 (Mock)
Johnson 2:45 (Trial)

Crist 4:16 (Kentucky)
Martin 4:37 (Perry)
Harrison 4:41 (Perry)
Schmalfeldt 4:43 (Miracle Mile)
Shuck 4:49 (Miracle Mile)
Shaw 4:52 (Trial)
Marrero 4:52 (Pike)
Reed 4:52 (CG)
Jones 4:53 (Bloomington)
Dhadwal 4:53 (Anderson)
Nanavaty 4:55 (CN)
Geisler 4:58 (Miracle Mile)
McCauley 5:00 (Miracle Mile)
Hardimon 5:00 (Miracle Mile)
Hearrell 5:01 (CG)
Simpson 5:07 (CG)
Wright 5:10 (Pike)
Butcher 5:11 (Mock)
Lawrence 5:13 (Pike)
Minnis 5:13 (Pike)
LeWellen 5:16 (Pike)
DeWitte 5:19 (Pike)
Garner 5:23 (CG)
Emminger 5:28 (Pike)
Loeffler 5:33 (Perry)
Bishop 5:35 (Perry)
Oskins 5:38 (Perry)
Randall 5:43 (Pike)
Catlow 5:55 (Perry)
Johnson 5:58 (DC)
Settle 5:59 (DC)
Howlett 6:19 (CG)

3200 M:
Crist 8:59 (Arcadia)
Presnell 10:03 (Bloomington)
Harrison 10:20 (Bloomington)
Shaw 10:27 (Perry)
Shuck 10:28 (CN)
Dhadwal 10:51 (Kentucky)
Marrero 10:59 (Pike)
Butcher 11:03 (CN)
Hearrell 11:06 (CG)
Reed 11:07 (Pike)
DeWitte 11:34 (Anderson)
LeWellen 11:36 (CG)
Emminger 11:57 (CG)
Loeffler 11:59 (CG)
Webb 12:03 (Pike)
Randall 12:38 (CG)

As you can tell, it has been a great start to the outdoor season for the Flashes with a meet on Thursday vs. Greenwood, Saturday at West Lafayette, and then Monday vs. Roncalli and New Palestine to wrap up the "regular season."

Side note: if you have not been running it's time for parents and alumni to dust off the running shoes and begin training for the 2011 Fast Flash on Saturday May 14.