We finished up a big week of meets today with successes at W Lafayette Relays, running 8:09 in the 4x800 and 18:32 in the 4x1600. PRs went to Schmalfeldt in the 4x1600 (4:41), Marrero (who had the race of the day in the open 1600 in 4:44), Presnell in the 4x1600 (4:45), and Jones in the open 1600 (4:49). Evan Shuck also had a great race in the 3200, running right around 10:30 for the third time this season. Jason Crist had another stellar double 4:23/1:58 and Andrice Martin did too 2:00/51.6 to lead both relays.
On Thursday, we raced Greenwood. Getting wins for the Flashes were Matt Shaw (4:44 in the 1600), Andrew Schmalfeldt (10:29 in the 3200), and Jason Crist (1:58 in the Open 800).
The 4x800 team of Harrison, Nanavaty, Jones, and Presnell also held off a charging Greenwood team to get the W.
We now have 9 guys under 4:50 and 17 under 5:00!!!
Here is the updated "best" list for the 1600 (next meet is Monday on our home track vs. New Pal and Roncalli):
Crist 4:16 (Kentucky)
Martin 4:37 (Perry)
Harrison 4:41 (Perry)
Schmalfeldt 4:41 (W Lafayette)
Shaw 4:44.9 (Greenwood)
Marrero 4:44 (Pike)
Presnell 4:45 (W Lafayette)
Jones 4:49 (W Lafayette)
Shuck 4:49 (Miracle Mile)
Reed 4:52 (CG)
Dhadwal 4:53 (Anderson)
Nanavaty 4:55 (CN)
Hearrell 4:57.0 (CG)
Geisler 4:58 (Miracle Mile)
Butcher 4:58.6 (Greenwood)
McCauley 4:59 (Miracle Mile)
Hardimon 4:59 (Miracle Mile)
Webb 5:05.2 (Greenwood)
Simpson 5:07 (CG)
Wright 5:10 (Pike)
Lawrence 5:13 (Pike)
Minnis 5:13 (Pike)
LeWellen 5:16 (Pike)
DeWitte 5:19 (Pike)
Garner 5:23 (CG)
Emminger 5:28 (Pike)
Loeffler 5:33 (Perry)
Bishop 5:35 (Perry)
Oskins 5:38 (Perry)
Randall 5:43 (Pike)
Catlow 5:55 (Perry)
Johnson 5:58 (DC)
Settle 5:59 (DC)
Howlett 6:19 (CG)