Jason Crist and Five of our "Fab Six" Freshmen traveled to Chicago this past weekend to run in the Midwest Distance Gala. This is one of the premier meets in the nation and simply to meet the standards for qualification is quite an honor.
The Flashes Frosh led the way, putting up some remarkable times:
12 Shuck, Evan Indiana 4:46.66
14 Geisler, Peyton Indiana 4:50.13
18 McCauley, Zachary Indiana 4:53.44
22 Hardimon, Eddie Indiana 4:56.39
27 Lewellen, Parker Indiana 5:23.43
This is certainly one of the best Freshman classes in the nation, especially when you throw in Andrew Schmalfeldt, who has run 4:42 and 1:59.
In the fast heat of the mile, Jason Crist represented FC well with a 5th place, PR performance:
5 Crist, Jason Indiana 4:12.47
This was a PR performance for Jason and was the end to a great season in which he held it together all the way from UK Invite in February!
Videos ans full results can be found here.
Now that the lid is on the track season, summer conditioning is underway. Two weeks from now, we'll have the whole team together for practice as we prepare for another run at the State Championships in Terre Haute.